When are the Board of Trustees Meeting ?
The second Tuesday of every month; 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
What days will my brush be picked-up?
Brush is picked-up on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Depending on the amount of brush set out your brush may be picked-up on Tuesday or Wednesday of those week.
As a resident of Columbia Township, do I have to file a local municipal tax?
No, by law, townships cannot enact a local income tax
Can I mix grass clippings and leaves in with the brush?
No. The wood chipper is not designed to process these types of materials. Grass clippings may be disposed of with your household trash. Leaves are picked-up by the Township from mid October to mid December after these dates leaves may also be disposed of with your household trash.
How do I report a non-emergency incident?
Please call 9-1-1 for any type of fire or medical emergency, or for medical non-emergencies. For other types of calls, call 513-825-2280.
Who is responsible for dead animal pickup?
Columbia Township is responsible for dead animals in right-of-way only, County Roads, 513-946-4979.
Who do I call for potholes on my street?
Township Roads 513-561-6046/ County Roads 513-946-4979 State Road 513-932-3030
What company provides trash collection?
Columbia Township contracts with Rumpke to provide weekly service for all residential trash and recycling collection. They can be reached at (513) 851-0122
When does my garbage and recycling get picked up?
The attached schedule gives you a list by day of your trash and recycling pickup days
How much brush can be set out for pick-up?
Currently there is not a limit on the amount of brush a resident may set out for pick-up. There is however a size limit, branches larger than 8 inches in diameter will not be accepted.
Where do I get a recycling bin?
If you are a new resident or your recycling bin/cart is destroyed or stolen, you may obtain a new bin by calling 513-561-6046 or by online service request.
When will Christmas trees be picked up?
Christmas trees will be picked up at curbside every Monday following Christmas for six weeks.
Where is the nearest hazardous household waste recycling center?
Visit Hamilton County Solid Waste Management District’s website at www.hcdoes.org to download a copy of the Household Hazardous Materials Handbook which lists outlets for most types of hazardous materials. You can also call the Hazardous Materials Hotline at 946-7700 to request a copy.