Welcome Columbia Township Residents!
This page was created to improve communication between the Township’s residents and your elected officials and staff. It provides information about township meetings, departments, services and Township government. In particular, we hope it will convey our desire to serve your needs and assist you in any way possible.
Whether you’re a first-time visitor to our area, or are considering moving here to reside, raise a family or open a business, we want you to know that the employees of Columbia Township are here to serve you.
Columbia Township Board of Trustees and Staff serve you in an effective manner so as to create a sense of community, enhance property values, and improve the quality of life for residents and businesses in the Township.
We want to keep our residents and visitors informed with the most up-to-date resources available. We hope the following information is useful to you. Please feel free to submit any comments or questions, as well as relevant links to be included. Should you want to visit us, or if you have an event or meeting in Columbia Township, you can get directions here, or as always, you can call the administrative offices at 513-561-6046.
Meeting Information
The Columbia Township Board of Trustees meets on the second Tuesday of each month (4:00 pm). All meetings are held at 5686 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227. Meeting dates and agendas are subject to change. Please contact the Township office at (513) 561-6046 to verify date and time.
All are welcome to attend all meetings and comment on issues of concern. Anyone who wishes to address the Board of Trustees at a regular or special meeting must sign the Open Forum sheet before the beginning of the meeting. Prior to each meeting, agendas are available at the Township Office. Items are addressed in the order they appear on the agenda To have a item put on the agenda, please submit information to the Township office by noon on Friday prior to the meeting.
Township Officials
David Kubicki, President
Susan Hughes, Vice-President
Brian Lamar, Trustee
Caroline Heekin, Fiscal Officer
Melissa Taylor, Administrator
Dustin Frazier, Road Superintendent