The Columbia Township (CT) logo is graphical representation of the strong voice of its citizens and business owners. And it symbolizes the metamorphosis from its fragmented identity of the past to its unified, progressive plan for the future.
This icon depicts nine “CT People” (one representing each of the nine communities) growing towards each other-hence the tagline, “Growing Together.” The celebrated diversity within CT is portrayed by the fact that no two “CT People “look exactly the same. To further depict the rich diversity within the communities, the groupings of people are different colors and sizes.
The strength of CT is portrayed by the “CT People” not only growing together, but forming a bridge structure. The bridge symbolizes connection; the connection of one community to the next and the connection of family to business. It also represents the idea that when the communities within CT band together, great structures can be built and great progress can be made.The history and common thread of CT is portrayed by the river that runs under the bridge.
The Little Miami River was once the vein of transport running through the communities and prompting local industry and neighborhoods to spring forth. Much of CT was established due to simple strategic location along the Little Miami. Though the river is no longer a major route for trade and industry, it remains a strong source of heritage and pride. All that CT is today, and will be in the future, can be traced back to the river that flows through it.